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Cucumber Testing: Definition, Purpose & Benefits

What is Cucumber Testing?

Cucumber Testing is a technique used in software development to test how software should behave based on user requirements. It focuses on ensuring that the software meets specified business expectations.

Purpose of Cucumber Testing

The main purpose of Cucumber Testing is to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical team members by using plain language to describe software behavior. It helps ensure that the software functions as intended from a user's perspective.

How Does it Work?

In Cucumber Testing, scenarios are written in plain language, known as Gherkin syntax, to describe user interactions with the software. These scenarios are then automated to validate that the software behaves correctly according to the specified requirements.


Cucumber Testing promotes collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders by providing a common language to discuss and verify software behavior. It helps in maintaining clear and consistent communication throughout the development process.


Cucumber Testing is an effective approach for ensuring that software meets business requirements and user expectations. By using plain language scenarios, teams can create and automate tests that validate software functionality in a user-friendly manner.